SCT Neurology
SCENAR NEUROLOGY COURSE- Construction and functions of nerve system
Simple neurology tests
Special neurology methods for CNS:
Parkinson methods (CNS Accords)
Alzheimer’s disease (Twin squares, Galina on a face)
Stroke methods (6 Points of the face and on the abdomen)
High cranial pressure methods (face’s stars)
MS methods (Reciprocate chakras method, 3Pathways with mushrooms)
Myelopathy methods (Delane Pyramid)
Special neurology methods for ANS:
Migraine methods (Top, 5 Points on the face, Square on the face
Diencephalon syndrome treatment (Chakras pairs)
Ganglionitis treatments (Kudu Khaya stars)
Dis-tonia methods (New Wings)
Raynaud’s disease methods (Muscle lines, 3 Lines on the limbs)
Special neurology methods for PNS:
Plexitis treatments (Meridians methods)
Nevritis treatments (Ring’s troikas, Limb stars, 5 directions by Fudzito)
Radiculitis treatments (Lower back nines, methods with rectal electrode)
Cranial nerves methods(“Caretaker”, Facial lines)
Spondylosis treatments (Lines of the force)
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